If you have a concern that your membership has not yet arrived, read the "Kit Has Not Arrived Yet" FAQ and use the specific instructions on that page to contact us with all necessary information.
If you are having trouble logging in (or forgot your login), see the "Trouble Logging In" FAQ to find out how to contact us or retrieve your login information.
Need to set your Directory Listing to display? Login to the members area and carefully read the "Members Area Welcome" page.
If you have questions about pet sitting or dog walking, or editing items in the Library, please login to the forums and post your question for all members to read and answer. If your question refers to Insurance, Bonding, or Scams please view the Free Information sections linked to our Home page.
If you would like us to change the email address on your membership or order, a $10.00 processing fee for the change will be due. Follow the directions on this page to send in your request.
We cannot change the address on your CD order. To obtain a CD at your current address, simply login and click Order Library CD to pay for an additional CD.
If you'd like an email forwarding alias, enter the members area and click Request Email Alias.
Interested in setting up a website or listing your business in other website directories? See the Links section of the Members Area Forums.
Want to order a CD of the Library items? See the Members Area Home page.
Wondering what is included with our kit/membership or if you should to have a business name chosen before you join? See our Membership Kit FAQ. If you are still unsure, see the not a "Get Rich Quick Scheme" FAQ for a list of members willing to answer your questions and give references.
Need to report spam from an address @petsits.com? Please send a copy of the spam including full headers (under view, options in Outlook) to admin@petsits.com. Unfortunately, spammers are adept at "spoofing" from addresses, but if we find the unsolicited spam did indeed originate from one of our members we will take action immediately.
Please CLICK HERE if you would like to send us an email.
***Messages that do not meet these 3 conditions will not be answered***:
When leaving a message you MUST include the following information:
- Purchase date
- Purchase email address (used with Paypal)
- Purchase method (PayPal, Google Checkout, check, etc)
Please use the Help pages to answer all FAQs..
We have done our best to make our information easy to find and use from various locations.
Please CLICK HERE to email us.