Our online resource library includes forms & contracts, tools, artwork, guides, recipes, marketing templates (business cards, signs, brochures, news releases, informational pamphlets, etc), and many other professional resources. There is a comprehensive list on the following pages. Just click the Next button at the bottom of this page.
Our library also includes a unique online service request form that can be installed directly on your website (some basic web hosting requirements apply).
The Professional Pet Sitter Start-Up kit was put together by the Young family, the founders of Professional United Pet Sitters LLC. We are professional Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers who started and own a professional pet sitting business. In our first year, we created all our own advertising and business forms based on other forms used by sitters nationwide. Our first year of business, we did not lose a single new lead to the competition after an initial consultation. At our first local pet sitter meeting, we were shocked to learn that other newbies in the area (4) averaged 8 total clients, while we had approximately 78. It sounds ridiculous but we had over 9x more clients - and all good, prompt paying customers!
What is the key to this type of success? We put hundreds of hours into making and continuously updating custom professional looking forms, advertising, and business strategies. Having very detailed, but compact forms helps lead us through initial interviews with confidence and effectively used time. These forms also make actual pet sits go smoothly, and help us avoid any problems with communication or missed details. Even though we are both shy people, confidence and completeness have been the #1 sellers of our service. Most clients comment on their surprise at all the things they wouldn't have thought about, and how impressed they are at the detail in our forms. By the time we pack up to leave initial interviews, clients feel that they really do not have worry while they are away from home.
We are offering this membership for sale at a low price because we want every pet sitter to be able to afford to be properly equipped do the best job possible, without having to reinvent the wheel. Customers must know we are professionals, and that we can't be compared to hiring the teenager down the street. The better our industry functions and looks, the more people will seek out pet sitting businesses - increasing business for everyone (including us!). Professional forms are the #1 key to this professionalism. And saving the time creating your own forms to instead care for your clients is a priceless advantage over other beginners.
We don't offer any "additional items" or "additional services" or "additional information" for sale for an extra fee once you sign up (except some t-shirts and other similar items available through Zazzle & Printfection). Someday in the future we might add a "premium" type listing option, but the basic listing has been and is always included with your membership.
Your membership purchase includes well over 50 different items, many of which are described below. There are 2 or more different versions of many documents, so that you can pick the one that fits your business best to get pet sitting right away.