Pet Sitting Insurance Providers

Pet Sitter liability insurance is very important to all pet sitting / dog walking / poop scooping businesses. PUPS highly recommends you become and remained insured with a quality Pet Sitter Insurance provider throughout your pet sitting or dog walking career.

At PUPS we do not endorse any particular company whatsoever, as we find they all have good ratings and different features that suit different sitters' needs.  For our personal business, we'd honestly be happy with any of them.  You can use the comparison charts provided for your country in order to decide which of the major providers is the best fit for your business.

Be sure to check back yearly, as rates and features do change, just as your business needs change.


Professional United Pet Sitters LLC is not affiliated with any pet sitter and dog walker liability insurance companies, including the ones listed below.

Professional United Pet Sitters LLC does NOT offer nor endorse ANY Pet Sitter insurance, business insurance, health insurance, or bonding. 

Pet sitter insurance companies are listed below for your convenience only.
No pet sitter insurance is included with membership to PUPS.

Professional United Pet Sitters LLC, PetSits.Com, Walk on the Woof Side Pet Sitting, and the owners are not liable for errors in or related to information presented here.   Please contact the companies directly for more current information.  The information listed is the limited understanding we have based on the info we’ve received.  It may be right, or it may be inaccurate, or the insurance may be changing while we speak.  This is just for information purposes only, and we can not and do not guarantee the accuracy in any way at any time. We are not personally nor professionally affiliated with any insurance listed below.   www.PetSits.Com

How to choose a pet sitting insurance provider

  1. Click on your country in the comparison chart below, and print the chart.
  2. Decide which features are most important to your business, and highlight the companies that provide these features.
  3. Determine the final price for the companies that provide the features you require.
  4. Visit the websites of your final candidates to see if there have been any changes in coverage or price.
  5. Sign up for coverage.  Many of the providers listed do allow you to sign up right online or by mail.

***Important Notes***

These are the Insurance companies we've seen that provide coverage for pet sitter and dog walker liability needs.

We've tried to list only insurers that include Care, Custody, and Control (or 'Animal Bailee') of pets, including in their OWN homes, in base coverage.

Many, if not most, OTHER insurance companies will NOT include CCC.  Some may offer CCC as an expensive extra endorsement.  But please be warned, the latest twist we've heard as of 10/9/2007 from a well known US general insurance provider is that the CCC coverage of some local agents ONLY covers pets brought to a business property as the 'primary place of business' (ie. a pet sitter's own home) and not in client homes.  And this limitation was not properly explained to some sitters who had asked for confirmation.

That is why most pet sitters use specialized pet sitter specific companies & policies.  However, feel free check with your local company to see what they offer.  Local company coverage, such as State Farm and American Family, can vary based on location and may be able to provide you with the appropriate coverage.  Just be sure to see the details of the CCC coverage in writing, and apply to client's homes.

Please note, our experience has been that insurance reps frequently do not know their policies perfectly, and DO give incorrect answers frequently.  We recommend you get all clarifications in writing, and you review the policy details yourself whenever possible.

Comparison Charts by Country (Click country name to view chart)

USA Pet Sitter / Dog Walker Insurance Comparison Chart

         USA Comparison Chart

Chart above includes comparison of:


Canada Pet Sitter / Dog Walker Insurance Comparison Chart

        Canadian Comparison Chart

Chart above includes comparison of:


  • Barker Meier - No chart available at this time for Australia


United Kingdom Pet Sitter / Dog Walker Insurance Comparison Chart

         United Kingdom Comparison Chart

Chart above includes comparison of:

Others in the UK that may offer customized Pet Sitting / Dog Walking coverage (not in chart)